Micronutrients Everywhere You Need Them
We've Got Your
Micronutrient Needs
We've Got Your
Needs Covered
Covering every prill of your fertilizer… literally. Circa Micronutrients are a high load liquid specifically designed for coating dry fertilizers to meet a crop’s yield and quality goals. The unique formulation of micronutrients is engineered to coat every prill to maximize distribution and availability of key micronutrients.
Learn More
Your Crop Needs
Zinc Manganese And Boron
No Worries - We've Got You Covered
Your Crop Needs
Zinc, Manganese And
Boron. No Worries -
We've Got You
Circa: Indiana
Circa Zn performances in this replicated corn trial in Tipton, IN
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Pound For Pound
Circa Wins Hands Down
Pound For Pound
Circa Wins
Hands Down
It’s What Makes It Into The Crop That Puts Pounds in the Bin
Consistency is what growers look for year in and year out. Consistency is what you get with Circa, along with the confidence that micronutrients are getting to those hungry root tips across your acres.

Working Smarter
And Harder
Working Smarter
And Harder
Every Prill Covered For More Coverage Of Your Acre
Where nutrients are needed is often times as important as the type of nutrients needed. Circa Products leverage every prill of dry fertilizer to get critical micronutrients as close to a developing root system as a dry fertilizer application can, on each acre you apply.

Where Do Your
Soils Stand?
Knowing Soil Trends Helps Us Get Out In Front Of Issues. Where Do Your Soils Stack Up To Others In The US?

Thinking Big
With Small Micronutrients
Thinking Big
With Small
Nano-Sized Nutrition for Big Results
Small particles make for high surface area, which makes Circa Micronutrients more soluble. More solubility means more nutrition into your crop. A small idea with big results for your crop!

Need Help
Unlocking Your
Nutrition Program?
We've got the tools, techniques and technologies to help your fertility program exceed your expectations.
Contact a Nutrien Ag Solutions Representative