Foundational Fertility Meets Ultimate Efficiency
Solutions Designed for Performance and Breaking the Mold of Traditional Fertility
Getting More Out of
What You Put In
Each Season
There is pressure on a fertility program to perform year in and year out. The simple fact is that a traditional fertility program needs help to maximize its potential and the performance locked in your crop's genetics. We've got your back.
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We're Focused On Your
Fertility So You Can
Focus On The Rest
Soil is the foundation of your livelihood. Nurturing it means productivity for this season and beyond. We help you care for the soil so you can care for your future.
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Tradition Got You Here
But Innovation Takes
You To Tomorrow
While cropping systems continue to advance, the core nutrients we utilize in fertility programs are the same as always. In order to seize the potential of our crops, we need a unique approach. Titan XC is the at the core of what success looks like in the future.
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Titan XC
In-Field Benefits

Alfalfa Benefits (MN)

Wheat Benefits

Corn Benefits (NB)

Corn Benefits (IL)

Corn Benefits (NC)

Cotton Benefits (MS)

Corn Benefits (KY)

Corn Benefits (IN)

Alfalfa, Wheat, Corn, Corn

This Alfalfa trial in Minnesota showed a significant yield increase when Titan XC was applied to the grower standard dry program, and an additional increase when Accomplish LM was added.
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This is one of many examples of Titan XC improving Wheat yield and showing a strong return on investment at both rates applied.
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This Nebraska grower put Titan XC to the test and documented a 5-6 bu/A yield increase over his standard dry fertilizer program!
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This chart shows an average 6.8 bu/A yield increase by treating dry fertilizer with Titan XC as opposed to increasing dry fertilizer rate; results are from five separate trials in Illinois!
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Corn, Cotton

Titan XC stands out in the NC State Trial. Even in the acid soils of the eastern US, Titan XC helps drive more phosphorus into corn at a critical time to drive yields up each and every season.
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This cotton grower in Grenada, MS experienced and documented a 118 lb/A increase in harvested lint over his standard dry fertilizer program!
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Corn, Corn

These trials at Bruce Research Farm in Hopkinsville, KY show an average yield improvement of +12.5 bu/A with the addition of Titan XC to the grower’s standard dry fertilizer.
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This replicated Titan XC trial in Tippecanoe County, Indiana showed a 5 bushel/A increase and an $8/A Return on Investment when compared to the untreated Grower Standard program.
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